Therapy for Burnout

woman on computer for Burnout Counseling Virginia Carr, LCSW Somatic Therapist Fishtown PA

In-person therapy in Philadelphia and online for residents of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware

Life right now is not what you pictured after so many years of hard work.

You’ve always been a high achiever. Seen as “mature” for your age since you were little, the art of working hard, doing well, and being responsible has felt like a natural part of who you are. You learned early on how to make people proud, and having a plan to follow or goal to achieve gave you something to hold on to. On paper, you have a lot of success. But it doesn’t feel anything like what you imagined.

You’re exhausted to the point that no amount of sleep seems to satisfy. At work, you’re trying to keep your head above water and push through, and at home, you’re filled with dread about having to do it all again the next day. The worries feel endless and everything right now feels hard.

When you try to relax it looks more like collapsing onto the couch, reentering the void of TV, takeout, and anxious scrolling. The idea of socializing feels draining, and the things that are supposed to help you feel better, you simply don’t have any time or energy for it.

Something inside tells you if you just can do this one more thing, then you’ll get to finally slow down. But you’ve done everything you were supposed to — so why doesn’t it feel like it’s ever enough?

You already know you’re burnt out. To escape the cycle, we need to explore how you got here.

Despite having known for a while now that you can’t keep this up, there’s a maddening disconnect between what you want and need to do, and what actually feels possible. 

The truth is, underneath all the “go-getter” energy is a deep fear of disappointing others, panic at the idea of actually slowing down, and worry that if you weren’t so busy you might have to actually feel some things you’ve needed to avoid.

I know what it’s like to feel stuck in the “I just can’t do this anymore” cycle while not knowing how to do things differently. You don’t have to try to pull yourself out of this sunken place alone.

In our work together, I’ll help you learn to:

Heal what’s underneath scarcity and panic so you can feel safe enough to slow down, trust the safety you’ve built for yourself, and believe that you have enough 


Cultivate self-worth beyond your productivity and acheivements so you can cherish your gifts, creativity, and what brings you joy 


Give yourself the permission to honor your needs without guilt


Regulate your nervous system so you can feel centered & confident even when life is stressful


Explore and rewrite the stories that keep you chasing perfection so you can finally embrace that you’re already enough


What can lead to burnout? You may have experienced:

  • Caretaking at an early age and/or having an emotionally immature parent

  • Unrecognized or late diagnosed ADHD

  • Labels of being “mature” or “gifted” as a kid

  • Childhood trauma that left you feeling unsafe, out of control, and alone

  • Chronic people pleasing and trouble setting boundaries

  • Battles with chronic dieting, disordered eating, or over-exercising

Ready to get unstuck and explore therapy for burnout in Philadelphia?