Parts Work

IFS Informed therapy to help you build self-compassion, heal shame, and embrace the you that is already enough

Parts Work Virginia Carr, LCSW Counselor Fishtown PA

In-person therapy in Philadelphia, and online for residents of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware

What is Parts Work?

Popularized by Internal Family Systems and Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment and often referred to as “Inner Child work,” parts work is one of the most compassionate, non-pathologizing and intuitive ways to explore our inner world and understand ourselves more deeply.

What Are Parts?

We humans are deeply complex creatures. 

From an early age we develop brilliant ways to protect ourselves from pain, navigate relationships, adapt to our environments, and even survive traumatic experiences.

Beneath the surface of the ‘you’ that you are today live these past experiences, memories, and unconscious beliefs.

In parts work, we see these aspects as different "parts" that hold all these pieces of you. There are no “bad” parts - all parts have a purpose and have served you in some way. However, parts can sometimes take over in ways that feel extreme and out of alignment with the life you want for yourself. 

Do Any of These Parts Feel Familiar?

A people pleasing part of you that is quick to prioritize others’ needs and comfort above your own 

A numbing part that uses hours of Netflix and scrolling to disconnect after feeling triggered

A distractor part that keeps you constantly busy with work, social plans, and never ending to-do lists 

A shame part that is convinced there’s something deeply wrong with you and blames you when things don’t go well

An intellectualizing part that uses analyzing, rationalizing, and problem solving to try to think your way out of something painful

Self Energy

Inside of all of us is what IFS calls the “Self” — essentially the part of us that is grounded, healthy, whole, and wise. When we connect with Self energy we show up more authentically in relationships, we respond to ourselves with compassion rather than criticism, and we face life’s challenges with a felt sense of calm and inner confidence that we will ultimately be okay.

In parts work we’re not trying to change or get rid of your parts.

Instead, we approach with curiosity about where they come from, how they got their jobs, how they’re trying to help you know (even when it feels like they’re doing the opposite!), and what they need for you to be able to heal.

In our work together, you can begin to get to know and understand your parts, develop relationships with them, and ultimately help them release the burdens they are carrying inside. Over time, you can come into harmony and are able to embody the wise Self that is already within you.

Parts Work Can Help With:

  • Healing attachment wounds

  • Interrupting cycles of “self sabatoge”

  • Navigating spiritual and existential concerns

  • Cultivating self-trust

  • Releasing ancestral burdens

  • Improving work/life balance

  • Reducing anxiety

  • Deepening connections in relationships

Interested in exploring parts work therapy in Philadelphia?