Therapy for Anxiety

woman on computer pursuing Anxiety Counseling Virginia Carr, LCSW Counselor Fishtown PA

In-person therapy in Philadelphia and online for residents of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware

When your anxiety feels out of control, it begins to rob you of what’s most precious in your life - your joy, your energy, and your relationships.

You hate operating this way: stuck in endless loops of overthinking, imagining worst-case scenarios, always worried that someone is mad at you.

The mental work of trying to figure everything out is utterly exhausting, but when you try to relax, your brain just can’t shut off.

Your body never seems to settle - you’re either a ball of nerves that could explode at any moment or totally paralyzed and unable to get off the couch.

Sometimes the anxiety masquerades as overachieving, perfectionism, or a need to be in control. But underneath, it’s the same relentless panic about what could happen if you don’t get everything right.

Worst of all, despite how hard you’re working all the time, it feels like you can’t even enjoy it when things do go well.

If you could cure your anxiety just by changing your thoughts or rationalizing your way out of it, you would have done that by now.

Your brain and body aren’t broken, they’re just desperate for some relief.

The good news is, when we start to listen to what’s underneath the anxiety, you can go beyond just coping, and begin to truly address what’s at the root.

Even if it feels out of reach right now, I trust that within you lies your innate wisdom, intuition, and the permission to let go and truly enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to build.

What if instead of feeling anxious you could…

  • Face the unknown with curiosity, openess, and confidence in your ability to adjust?

  • Feel grounded and empowered when you set boundaries and share how you feel?

  • Harness your energy for things that enliven and fulfill you?

  • Connect with your intuition for guidance and reassurance when making decisions?

  • Feel relieved and cared for when you rely on someone else to handle something stressful?

  • Truly trust that you are safe, loved and enough?

woman taking deep breath feeling relief from therapy for anxiety in Philadelphia with Virginia Carr, LCSW

Together, we’ll work to:


your nervous system

Anxiety isn’t just in your thoughts, it lives in your body too. I can help you shift out of chronic fight or flight to help you feel safe, grounded and settled inside, so you can think and make decisions from a place of calm and confidence.


the root cause of your anxiety

If it feels like what you know doesn’t match how you feel, or there’s always a new thing to be worried about, there is often something deeper that hasn’t been tended to. I can support you in getting to know yourself from a place of compassion and curiosity. 


worries from your intuition

I can help you learn to quiet the external noise of pressure and urgency and begin to tune in to your internal knowing of the right next step. You can begin to cultivate trust within yourself to handle uncertainty, rather than endless panicking and planning for the unknown.

Ready to find relief and explore anxiety therapy in Philadelphia?