Therapy for Highly Sensitive People

woman breathing deeply as Highly Sensitive People Virginia Carr, LCSW Somatic TherapistFishtown PA

In-person therapy in Philadelphia and online for residents of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware

Sometimes, it doesn’t feel like you fit in anywhere.

While you crave depth and connection in relationships, it often feels hard to find “your people”. Small talk and surface-level conversations feel draining, and it’s a challenge to not absorb other people’s energy.

The world often feels overwhelming: crowds, bright lights, loud music — it’s sensory overload. You need downtime and personal space to regulate, but you often push yourself to try to keep up in this fast-paced, hustle-focused culture.

Stress can make you feel paralyzed, frozen, or like you’re one moment away from the verge of tears. Even a slight criticism feels agonizing, and you tend to beat yourself up when you’re not perfect.

Your ability to sense others’ emotions can leave you anxious, depressed, and weighed down. People pleasing and fear of conflict make it hard to set boundaries and protect your energy. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. In fact, the world needs more people like you — your sensitivity is a gift that deserves to be honored and tended to.

Being highly sensitive can present challenges, but it also offers a special richness to life. If you’re like many HSPs, you're naturally drawn to exploring deep questions about existence and the complexities of human relationships. You might feel an instinctive bond with animals or a deep connection to nature. People are likely to sense you’re a safe person, and you’ve probably always possessed an intuitive ability to understand others and sense their needs.

Throughout most of human history, these traits were revered and embodied by philosophers, mystics, and healers. But in today’s fast-paced world that values productivity and efficiency over reflection and deeper meaning, it’s understandable your natural way of being can often feel like a burden.

But it doesn’t have to. As you learn to regulate your nervous system, set clear boundaries, adopt nourishing practices, and learn to work with your sensitivity, you'll begin to appreciate and fully embrace your unique role within nature and humanity.

smiling woman breathing during therapy for HSPs and empaths with Virginia Carr, somatic therapist in Fishtown Philadelphia

In our work together, I’ll help you learn to:

Regulate your emotions & your nervous system so you can feel grounded and restored


Use your intuitive gifts for energizing and purposeful work


Cultivate fulfilling relationships that can nourish & enliven you


Extend the same generosity and kindness to yourself as you do to others


Give yourself permission to move through the world as your most authentic self


Ready to embrace the true you and explore therapy for highly sensitive people in Philadelphia?